With the current economic climate, a lot of businesses are looking for ways to save some money for the sake of their bottom line. However, there is a fine line between making budget cuts and simply cutting corners.
Recently, there has been a lot of worldwide infatuation surrounding the capabilities of chatbots using artificial intelligence to communicate. These AI solutions, such as ChatGPT, essentially are supercomputers capable of sifting through and analyzing data from all across the internet to answer your queries.
There are both paid and free versions of AI chat technology available from several different developers. As a result, many business owners are using AI to write or help them write their content.
This begs the ultimate question for a lot of small business owners, should you use AI or ChatGPT to generate content? Unfortunately, the answer is much more complicated than a simple yes or no response.
Personal bias aside (as a writer who happens to be a human being), there are actually times when AI chat technology can prove helpful to you as a business owner. However, knowing when and how to use AI while developing your content is extremely important, especially if you want conversion-focused content.
The truth is, if you're only using an AI chatbot to handle your sales content, you're leaving a lot of money on the table. At the end of the day, sales is a people business.
Until you trust artificial intelligence to make your purchase decisions for you, sales will remain a people business.
Even when business is conducted through screens, sales is about persuading another person that your product or service is the solution to their needs and problems.
Unfortunately, many businesses are ignoring the human side of sales psychology by electing to have chatGPT write their product descriptions, landing pages, scripts, or other sales content.
I have seen several clients, who shall remain nameless, literally copying and pasting their content or sales scripts directly from an AI chatbot. They use this content without changing anything besides their company details. This is typically called a cookie-cutter approach.
Cookie-Cutter Content Doesn’t Taste Very Good
Using a cookie-cutter chatbot approach is not how you develop a connection with your target market and it’s certainly not how you tap into the emotions that persuade a person to make a purchase or decision.
If there is one thing you can be sure of, using an AI chatbot cookie-cutter approach to your sales content will not make you stand out from your competition.
Especially when so many businesses are using the AI chatbot cookie-cutter approach currently. Right now, AI chatbots do not comprehend the application of human sales psychology and they really could care less whether you make the sale or not.
To be blunt, ChatGPT doesn't really give a crap whether your headline, sales script introduction, or other copywriting is effective at opening doors or making conversions. They understand sales and marketing on an analytical, informational, and logical level while leaving persuasive linguistics as a thing of the past.
The problem with this mentality is you're leaving money on the table! Don't leave money on the table, that should be a no-brainer for your business!
If you truly want to stand out from the competition, you should not be using a single word from an AI chatbot for your content without careful oversight. Why? Because chances are, if you‘re thinking about using that content, at least one of your competitors is already doing it.
Unique Content Is the Only Way To Stand Out From the Crowd
When it comes to content, you should always strive to be as unique as possible. Use a voice that resonates with your audience. Everybody has information available about their product or service, it’s how they dress it up that gets noticed.
Relying on a chatbot to provide your content will lead to a very bland or generic message that your audience will be reading everywhere else on the web. Why not make your island in the sea of information a little more creative?
Make your island a desirable destination through better content and people will flock to your resort!
In the end, it can make all the difference in the world between developing a long-term connection with a potential customer or subscriber instead of being at a page they will never visit again.
Then, there are questions extending beyond sales psychology. In an increasingly digital world, more individuals are looking to make a meaningful connection with somebody or something. That something can be an idea, it could be your idea.
It could be your brand that gives a powerful platform to an entire generation seeking something to identify with.
How you decide to craft the message behind that voice is more important than you think. Why would you want to leave that task up to something that doesn’t really comprehend the importance of your message or what your brand means to you and your audience?
Instead of using chatGPT or Bard to craft your content, use them as research tools while making an effort to personalize your message to your target audience. There is a huge difference between quality content and slapping some words together on your site in a half-assed effort to look like you have quantity.
Quality content trumps quantity every single time and that will never change.
If you need conversion copywriting, you should not be using artificial intelligence for anything beyond research. Period. You shouldn’t even be using AI chatbots to give you a blueprint for your sales content and especially not for your sales script templates. If you choose to ignore this advice, C4H will be here waiting when you’re ready to start taking your conversion efforts more seriously.
In summary, you should be careful when considering what AI can do for your content. The truth is, the same thing chatGPT tells you is the same exact thing it's telling everybody else. If your goal is truly to stand out from the crowd, chatbot content is not going to get you anywhere with your target audience.
To close this blog post, I am going to copy and paste the exact response from the question I used as the headline for this article into the free version of ChatGPT available to the public. Read the AI-generated content below and decide for yourself if you should be using Content 4 Hire or ChatGPT for your content.
AI-Generated Response for “Should You Use AI or ChatGPT To Generate Content?”
“The choice between using AI or ChatGPT to generate content depends on your specific needs and requirements. Let's compare the two options:
1. AI: "AI" is a broad term that encompasses various technologies and algorithms. It can refer to machine learning models like ChatGPT or other specialized AI systems designed for specific tasks. If you have access to a powerful AI system tailored for content generation, it may offer specialized features or capabilities beyond what ChatGPT provides. However, building and maintaining such a system can be complex and resource-intensive.
2. ChatGPT: As an AI language model, ChatGPT is designed to engage in natural language conversations and generate human-like responses. It has been trained on a diverse range of internet text and can generate coherent and contextually relevant content across different topics. ChatGPT is easily accessible through an API and can be integrated into various applications, making it a convenient choice for content generation.
Here are some factors to consider when deciding which option to use:
a. Complexity: If your content generation task requires specialized knowledge or domain-specific expertise, a tailored AI system might be more suitable. However, for general-purpose content or a wide range of topics, ChatGPT can still provide high-quality results.
b. Resources: Developing and maintaining a custom AI system can require significant resources, including data collection, training infrastructure, and ongoing updates. ChatGPT, on the other hand, offers a pre-trained and readily available solution, saving you time and resources.
c. Accessibility: ChatGPT is designed to be user-friendly and accessible to a wide range of users. Its API allows easy integration into applications and systems, making it a convenient choice for generating content on-demand.
d. Specific features: If you have specific requirements, such as fine-grained control over the content generation process or the need for task-specific functionalities, a customized AI system might be more suitable. ChatGPT, while powerful, may not provide the same level of control or specialized features.
Ultimately, the choice depends on your specific use case and available resources. If you require a general-purpose content generator that is easily accessible and capable of generating high-quality responses across a range of topics, ChatGPT can be a suitable option. However, if you have specialized needs or resources to develop and maintain a custom AI system, that might be worth exploring.”
- ChatGPT
Obviously the AI-generated response misses the entire point of the question because it fails to understand the context of the information you are seeking. It provides a very technical response based on the assumption you are debating between using AI or ChatGPT for your content.
Now you get to the old I,Robot dilemma, you must ask AI the right question. Okay, make a minor adjustment to the question you ask, “Should You Use AI or Human Beings To Generate Content?”
AI-Generated Response for “Should You Use AI or Human Beings To Generate Content?”
“Deciding whether to use AI or human beings to generate content depends on several factors and considerations. Here are some key points to help you make an informed decision:
1. Time and Efficiency: AI can generate content at a much faster rate compared to human beings. It can process large amounts of data quickly and generate responses or content within seconds. This makes AI an excellent choice when you need content generated rapidly or on a large scale.
2. Cost-effectiveness: In general, AI-powered content generation is more cost-effective than relying solely on human beings. Once the AI system is trained and deployed, the cost per generated content item tends to be lower compared to paying human content creators. However, it's worth noting that developing and training AI models initially may involve upfront costs.
3. Scale and Consistency: If you need content generated consistently and at a large scale, AI can be highly advantageous. AI models like ChatGPT can maintain a consistent style and tone throughout the content generation process, ensuring a cohesive output. Additionally, AI can handle an extensive range of topics and can be available 24/7, providing content generation capabilities around the clock.
4. Creativity and Subjectivity: When it comes to content that requires creativity, human beings often excel. AI models can generate content based on patterns and examples from the training data, but they may struggle with truly innovative or unique ideas. For content that requires subjective judgment or a personal touch, human content creators may be preferable.
5. Domain Expertise: Human beings with domain-specific expertise have a deep understanding of the subject matter and can generate content that reflects their expertise. AI models can be trained on specific domains, but they may not possess the same level of expertise as a human specialist. Depending on the nature of your content and the level of domain knowledge required, human content creators might be a better choice.
6. Editorial Control and Quality Assurance: Human content creators offer more control over the content generation process. They can follow specific guidelines, adhere to brand voice, and easily incorporate feedback. Additionally, human creators can exercise judgment and apply critical thinking to ensure the quality and accuracy of the content. AI-generated content may require more careful review and editing to ensure it meets the desired standards.
In many cases, a combination of AI and human involvement can be the best approach. AI can assist in generating initial content quickly and efficiently, while human editors or content creators can add their expertise, creativity, and quality control to refine and enhance the content.
Ultimately, the choice between AI and human beings for content generation depends on factors such as time constraints, cost considerations, desired scale, required domain expertise, creativity requirements, and the level of control and quality assurance needed for your specific content needs.”
- ChatGPT
After reading the AI-generated response versus the content provided by C4H, what’s your verdict? Should you use AI or ChatGPT to generate content? Discuss your thoughts about using AI-generated content in the comments below.
There will be several more posts coming from C4H regarding the topic of AI-generated content. If you have anything to add or ask, feel free to drop a comment below or contact C4H.